Mina Hotels Loyalty Programme.
Mina Hotel Rewards
At Mina Hotels , we strive to go the extra mile for our guests. That is why we have decided to introduce a loyalty programme
Just Enroll
Start enjoying benefits as soon as you enroll. Stay with us more often and enjoy even more great benefits — A free nights stay on us is just a few visits away..
Earn Points when you stay with us
Digital Check-In: Check-in, choose your room, and customize your stay from your mobile device up to 24 hours in advance.
Quick reservations and check-ins based on your room preferences
Late check-out.
Express check-out.

Earning your points.
Stay Five nights get One night free. Collect nights whenever you stay with us at Mina Hotels.
You choose how you collect the 5 nights . Whether its a single stay, or multiple trips,
5 nights add up fast.
The value of your free night is the average price of the 5 nights you collect.
Each night you stay with us as a guest , earns you 200 points; 1000 points gets you a free night's stay with us.
Redeem your free nights anytime. There are no blackout dates or restriction- pending room availability . Call or email to inquire about availability - quoting your rewards membership number.
Please click on the link below to review our Terms and Conditions before enrolling
Programme Terms and Conditions